About The Adelaide Show Podcast

Thanks for dropping by to find out more about our weekly podcast which puts the passion of South Australia on centre stage!

The Adelaide Show is a weekly program recorded on location in Adelaide and in regional ares. It was originally named Another Boring Thursday Night In Adelaide as a provocative challenge to people who lazily labelled Adelaide as boring.

In its current iteration, our guest becomes a co-host and is involved not only in an expanded interview but also:

  • tastes our South Australian Drink Of The Week
  • helps introduce the song of the week
  • shoots a preview video to promote the episode after we finish audio recording

The focus is on the people of South Australia and the passion that dominates and drives their lives.

The Adelaide Show team

The lead host is marketer, speaker, comedian, and former journalist and talkback radio announcer, Steve Davis (now owner of Talked About Marketing – some people might remember Steve from Baker Marketing but that original entity was liquidated by its owner in February 2019).

One of the longest-serving former presenters is Nigel Dobson, a former cognitive scientist in the defense industry, engineer and amateur artist.

The founding members were Steve, Colin Long, and Brett Monten.

This ‘labour of love’ has attracted more than 2,000 followers on Twitter, 1700 on Facebook and downloads per episode between the 500-1000 mark. The three dominant audience groups, skewed to females, are 56:44, are 35-44, 45-54 and 25-34.

The Adelaide Show experience

The overall feel of the podcast is relaxed with a heightened curiosity to learn about the passion that motivates South Australians involved in a broad cross-section of endeavours.

Our discussions are based on past and current events in Adelaide, echoed through the lives and interpretations of Steve and Nigel, with support from a team of ‘Nigels’ and former hosts who fill in and rotate amid their busy lives.

How to listen

We have actually created a page on this site called How To Listen, which has more detail about how you can find and listen to our show.

Suffice to say, we can be listened to on this website directly, or via Stitcher Radio app, iTunes, Pocket Casts, and many other podcast-listening apps.

The original theme song

Because of its content and the arbitrary fact that Thursday nights were more convenient for the team, an infamous Redgum song emerged as an ideal candidate for the podcast’s original title and theme song.

Written by John Schumann and released in 1978, One More Boring Thursday Night In Adelaide provides a self-deprecating and hopefully ironic title to the podcast. John later appeared on this episode: 130: Adelaide Mates, John Schumann and David Minear.

The royalty fees were prohibitive so we then wrote our own song, click here to visit the Adelaidee-Hoo song page.

Our position on ‘boring’

We don’t think Adelaide is boring at all, so that’s why we created the original podcast title, Another Boring Thursday Night In Adelaide and found that a number of other Adelaideans likewise found it amusing and not offensive.

In fact:

We think Adelaide is one of the best cities on Earth!

Our original plan was to use 37 seconds of the Redgum song as our intro or theme music.

However, after getting a quote that was well beyond our budget, we decided to just stick with the name and create our own theme music.

I suppose we have proved another Redgum prophecy; it’ll be alright in the long run!

If you are curious about our original namesake song, we’ve embedded this YouTube video below.
