241 – Small Winemaker, Big Wines

Small Winemaker, Big Wines - The Adelaide Show Ballycroft episode

This week’s episode of The Adelaide Show, has been like returning home, albeit with someone who is proud to wear the moniker, Small Winemaker, Big Wines. Ralf Hadzic introduced us to Ballycroft Wines back in 2015 and we fell in love. Now, three years later, here is Steve, volunteering to spend a day in the vineyards toiling with Joe and Sue. This episode covers themes like hard work, our reliance on nature, winemaking, and operating a business in a regional area. There is much to savour. Enjoy.

Guests this week: Joe and Sue Evans, Helen from Finland, Virginie from Germany.

This week, the SA Drink Of The Week is a wine from Ballycroft Vineyards.

In IS IT NEWS, Steve challenges us on stories about Barossa vintages.

In 100 Weeks Ago, we take you back to our interview with Sumen Rai about science.

And in the musical pilgrimage … former member of this podcast and accomplished singer, Susan Lily has a new song that is turning heads.

And please consider becoming part of our podcast by joining our Inner Circle. It’s an email list. Join it and you might get an email on a Sunday or Monday seeking question ideas, guest ideas and requests for other bits of feedback about YOUR podcast, The Adelaide Show. Email us directly and we’ll add you to the list: [email protected]

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Running Sheet: Small Winemaker, Big Wines

00:00:00 Outtake
 Very big wines
Theme and Introduction. Our original theme song in full is here, Adelaidey-hoo.
00:02:33 SA Drink Of The Week

2015 Ballycroft Small Berry Durif … tasting notes


00:00:00 Stories Without Notice
None this week
00:12:03 Joe and Sue Evans
How does a cheesery become a winery? It sounds like a riddle but it is in fact the story of Ballycroft Vineyards. Ballycroft was the name of the cheesery run by sisters Sue Evans and Tracey Skepper, in which they used waste water from the cheese making process to irrigate young vines, with whey used as fertiliser. The cheesery stopped and went off to mature in 2011 but the grapes were going great guns and in 2016, Joe Evans with Sue, opened their cellar door to introduce the world to some truly stunning wines, one of which won our SA Wine Of The Year award in 2015. So, let’s start our chat at the home of Small Winemaker, Big Wines.
01:23:37 Is It News?

Steve Davis challenges the panel to pick the fake story from three stories from South Australia’s past.

The Advertiser, Mon, Mar 7, 1932
The Barossa district, aptly termed the home of the vine, is one of the most attractive parts of the State. Vintage operations will begin soon, and for several weeks grape-laden waggons and lorries will be on the way to the various wineries. The Government Tourist Bureau, in co-operation with the local councils, is arranging a four-week closing of tours to the district until early in April, for the safety of visitors and to guarantee a prosperous vintage for this region, hitherto downtrodden by drought. Come April, patrons will be afforded the opportunity of inspecting some of the larger wineries, the Angaston marble quarries, and various other places of interest, once more.

The Leader, Thu, Mar 5, 1953
Vintage Carnival is wholly a Nuriootpa enterprise, and ties up with the 80th birthday of the town’s leading citizen, Mr W. Coulthard, 0BE, who has done so much for the Community town. He will have the affectionate good wishes of the whole Barossa Valley. Proceeds from Nuri’s huge effort will go to the District Hospital, Barossa Ambulance and Nuriootpa institutions. Town Band will strike up at 1 p.m., in front of the great shell; variety entertainment and the Jack Davey Ampol Show will follow. It will be the biggest audience Davey has ever had, and Barossa residents will participate in the quiz. “Radio Canteen” stars of 5DN will provide the scintillating bill.

The Register, Sat, Mar 22, 1919
Our Nuriooiipa correspondent writes:— A meeting attended by about 140 men from various cellars in the distinct was held in the local institute on Thursday night to further consider the existing vintage wages trouble. Since they have read Mr. Webb’s remarks in the press the employees’ view of the situation has changed. The union secretary (Mr. Mclnnes) addressed the men, and after the position had been fully discussed he advised them to withdraw their notice to cease work on Saturday, and to continue work as usual, as their case would be heard before the Arbitration Court on Monday morning. The vignerons are pleased at the decision of the men and regard it as a wise resolve.


01:35:49 100 Weeks Ago
We opened the vault to go back 100 weeks to the chat with had with science communicator, Sumen Rai. Because the interview was on May the 4th, known as Star Wars Day, the conversation focussed quite a bit on South Australia’s impending renewal of its involvement in the space sector. So let’s spend a few minutes from the archives, boldly going where our listeners went before …
01:40:10 Musical Pilgrimage
And our song this week is Whiskey Neat by Susan Lily, selected by Steve Davis on behalf of our musical curator, Todd Fischer.
01:57:27 Outtake
 I tasted your grapes! … I feel sorry for your friends

Here is this week’s preview video:

No video this week.

SFX: Throughout the podcast we use free sfx from freesfx.co.uk for the harp, the visa stamp, the silent movie music, the stylus, the radio signal sfx, the wine pouring and cork pulling sfx, and the swooshes around Siri.