George Glass: Bradbury the Musical

George Glass: Bradbury The Musical








Outright absurd in the best way a Fringe show can be, George Glass: Bradbury the Musical is a hilariously unexpected show about Gold Medallist, Steven Bradbury.

If you’ve ever wondered who lies behind the originator of the phrase “doing a Bradbury”, this show will leave you with more questions about the group of men who created it, rather than answering your thoughts.

Adelaide based art-rock band George Glass are well known for their high-energy comedy driven music, and they don’t disappoint with their funky original tunes being a highlight of the show.

Unlike other musicals you may be familiar with, these guys perform their music live in between scenes. Playing the drums, keyboard, guitar and singing their way through the wacky performance, with some pre-recorded music slotted in-between.

Following the life of Steven Bradbury, from his birth to 10 minutes before the 2002 Winter Olympic 1000m speed skating race, the show features an eclectic range of characters. With Steven Bradbury at the forefront, as well as his mother, the dreaded elephant in the room, and hilarious renditions of Tony Hawk, Tonya Harding, Lance Armstrong and more.

With ridiculous and creative costumes, entertaining sketches, fun music, and a running joke about the advertising for sports sponsorships, this is a musical you won’t soon forget.

The power did flicker out on the stage twice during the show, however George Glass kept up an admirable sense of showmanship and continued performing without flinching or breaking character.

They’ll be playing at a few different locations throughout the Adelaide Fringe, but if you manage to grab a ticket for Arthur Art Bar, be sure to dress appropriately, as the room can get quite warm on a hot summer’s day.

George Glass: Bradbury the Musical is a must see show this Fringe season. So, drag your friends for a night out on the town to see it, because you’re sure to have a memorable time.


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