Alicia was a welcoming sight, dancing away at the front of the cosy Nook as we filled the room.
A bubbly Gen-Y, describing herself as a woman man-child, put on a fine show with plenty of audience involvement, the sort of involvement you want.
You’re there to help her, to help her get started on her bucket list before she hits thirty.
Giving her humorous life experiences it soon becomes clear why she is seeking help from a random group of strangers rather than her family.
Her career is on edge, the latest boyfriend is hopefully for keeps and she’s not regretting the bad ideas she hasn’t followed through with.
Alicia Norton is One Beer Weird and outsourcing life
As with all things modern she’s outsourcing her life although the odds are the audience’s help will not be as innocent as she’d hope for.
From teenage non-promises, advertising gone wrong and giving bad advice, Alicia’s show is well worth seeing.
And if your car goes missing now, you might want to check out a certain energetic Gen-y with bright pink hair.
She can at least say it wasn’t her idea.