342 – Heave away, haul away, bound for 2022 in SA

342 - Heave away, haul away, bound for 2022 in SA

What does South Australia have in store for 2022? Well, primarily, this will be determined by what we’ve done in 2021, along with new policies and practices we’re putting in place.

To give us some clarity, three regular contributors to The Adelaide Show Podcast, have put up their hands to have their say:

  • David Olney
  • Nigel Dobson
  • Robert Godden

They each bring their insights from three very different backgrounds.

Instead of ONE SA Drink Of The Week this week, each of our panelists will share their own.

And in the Musical Pilgrimage, we finish off with a timely song from our archives.

And in case you missed it, we just won Silver for Best Interview Podcast at the Australian Podcast Awards.

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Running Sheet: Heave away, haul away, bound for 2022 in SA

00:00:00 Intro

Introduction to the show.

00:03:24 SA Drink Of The Week

This week, there are four.

David brought Mojo Ginger Kombucha

Robert brought Apple and Cranberry Fine White tea, made by himself at The Devotea

Nigel and Steve both brought different gins by 78 degrees, Classic Gin and Sunset Gin

00:09:47 Bound for 2022 in SA with David Olney, Robert Godden, Nigel Dobson

In the words of the old folk balad, Bound for South Australia, there’s the lyric, heave away, haul away, and it feels like there is still much work to be done to sail safely into 2022 here in South Australia. We have a state that has done some hard yards to minimise Covid-19 cases from overrunning our hospitals but amid angry and frustrated people wanting to assert their rights against getting vaccinated or practicing communal health restrictions for the greater good, our government has yielded to various pressures (not least of which might be the upcoming election) and relaxed many protective measures. None of this has been helped by an opportunistic media, ready to pick over the carcus of truth and facts to find the juiciest tidbits to arouse passions. In short, there are many moving parts and it takes some effort to quieten down our anxieties and check our lazy thinking, to try to discern truth, even when that truth might be inconvenient. So, as we’re bound for 2022, I have gathered my Adelaide Show ship mates around some South Australian drinks, to discuss the state of South Australia, especially in relation to Covid-19 and the political landscape. And the ship mates are, former co-presenter and cognitive scientist, Nigel Dobson, diability advocate and part-time political pundit, Robert Godden, and former lecturer in geopolitics, David Olney.

Here are two, reliable, evidence-based, sources of information and perspective regarding Covid-19.

Dr John Campbell, experienced, level-headed updates from the UK. He shares data, helps interpret it, and shares links to his resources.

David Olney recommended John’s regular videos. In fact, a comment from his latest one says: Why can’t we have this type of report broadcast on the news for everyone to watch, instead of all the usual biased nonsense? Then people can make their own informed decisions! Great work as always.

What Have We Learned from the Pandemic?: A Conversation with Nicholas Christakis

Nicholas A. Christakis, MD, PhD, MPH, is the Sterling Professor of Social and Natural Science at Yale University, where he directs the Human Nature Lab and is the Co-Director of the Yale Institute for Network Science. He was elected to the National Academy of Medicine in 2006, the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 2010, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2017. He is the author of several books—Connected: The Amazing Power of Social Networks and How They Shape Our Lives, Blueprint: The Evolutionary Origins of a Good Society, and most recently Apollo’s Arrow: The Profound and Enduring Impact of Coronavirus on the Way We Live.

Let’s start by getting our compasses set to some sort of true north, in relation to SA’s current disposition on Covid-19, Politics, and our Geopolitical status.

Nigel – Covid.

Robert – Politics.

David – Geopolitics – are we exposed amid defence contracts, international students, etc?

Now I want to work on a few of the main strands that are causing me and many people much despair about our immediate and mid-term futures:

  • Getting straight information on Covid-19 and vaccination, preventative measures like mask wearing and hand cleaning, and how to interpret data being released daily.
  • The notion of civic responsibility. I firmly believe we must get vaccinated for the common good and I would like to see the government step in and mandate vaccination to give our businesses cover.
  • I saw a report into the damaging effects of media language on community confidence – terms like “there are fears …” or “authorities are scrambling to …”. It’s lazy, lazy, jingoistic journalism. What can be done?
  • Politicians seem to not want to be the ones holding the ball when the election bell goes. Will we get good, confident leaders again?

What are some things for us all to practice or think about in the New Year:

  • Dealing with friends and family who won’t vaccinate or who are completely lost to conspiracy thinking?
  • Reacting to those people who waltz straight past all Check In and mask up notices
  • Weighing up the risks of going to public places and events
  • Sources of good coverage

And, of course, the show took a different pathway altogether!

01:28:58 Musical Pilgrimage

In the musical pilgrimage, we have I Don’t Think You’re Lonely by Kelly Breur, from our archives. It just seemed fitting, as Steve explains in the episode.

Here’s this week’s preview video

A little different this week. Our preview video is actually the complete, warts-and-all, zoom recording.

SFX: Throughout the podcast we use free SFX from freesfx.co.uk for the harp, the visa stamp, the silent movie music, the stylus, the radio signal SFX, the wine pouring and cork pulling SFX, and the swooshes around Siri.