329 – Til Divorce Do Us Part

329 - Til Divorce Do Us Part

Does separation and divorce need to be expensive and fraught with bitterness?

Meg McFarlane and Lauren de Vries van Leeuwen at Kin Lawyers believe the divorce can be undertaken calmly with minimal legal fees if the parties involved do some preparation and have wise input from lawyers who take a collaborative approach to the process.

The SA Drink Of The Week is Spiced Rum from 23rd Street Distillery.

And in the musical pilgrimage we are going to play a beautiful track from Lazy Eye Band that will perfectly round off the discussion about the ending of relationships.

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Running Sheet: Til Divorce Do Us Part

00:00:00 Intro

Introduction to the show.

00:03:06 SA Drink Of The Week

The SA Drink Of The Week is Spiced Rum from 23rd Street Distillery.

00:07:26 Kin Lawyers

Meg McFarlane and Lauren de Vries van Leeuwen run Kin Lawyers with offices in Gawler and Glenelg, and they believe in helping clients take a collaborative approach to separation and divorce.

Why? They argue this leads to better outcomes for all and, typically, lower legal fees because parties don’t get drawn into bitter court battles.

As is mentioned in the interview, there are two parts of their website that are worth looking at if you’re thinking about separating or are going through that process:

Free, 15-minute consultation by phone

Fixed price, 90-minute consultation to get deeper into your situation and map out some steps to follow

NOTE: The interview does not constitute legal advice. Please talk to Kin Lawyers or your lawyer before making decisions about the topics covered in the chat.

01:04:56 Musical Pilgrimage

In the musical pilgrimage, we have a beautiful song from Lazy Eye Band, Please Don’t Leave.

Here’s this week’s preview video

No video this week.

SFX: Throughout the podcast we use free SFX from freesfx.co.uk for the harp, the visa stamp, the silent movie music, the stylus, the radio signal SFX, the wine pouring and cork pulling SFX, and the swooshes around Siri.