317 – Fish, fauna, fun, and facts

317 - Fish, Fauna, Fun, and Facts - The Adelaide Show Podcast

In this week’s episode of The Adelaide Show, we are going to explore topics covering fish, fauna, fun, and facts, with two main guests:
Joel Howland, creator of the animal-based, card game, Animoz
John Marriott, teacher of aquaculture at Urrbrae Agricultural High School

The SA Drink Of The Week is from Poonawatta Wines in Eden Valley.

In the Musical Pilgrimage, we celebrate the great, satirical songwriter, Tom Lehrer, who is still alive and who has just put his songs into the public domain.

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Running Sheet: Fish, faune, fun, and facts

00:00:00 Intro

Introduction to the show.

00:03:21 SA Drink Of The Week

The SA Drink Of The Week is Poonawatta The Eden Riesling, tasted with winemaker, Andrew Holt.

00:11:55 Joel Howland

Joel Howland is a local Adelaidean who’s really passionate about conservation. He’s returned to uni to study animal behaviour and runs his own online Conservation magazine, Conjour.
He’s the sole person behind ANiMOZ – the trading card game inspiring children (and adults) to fall in love with Australian animals and their superpowers (real traits).
317 - Fish, Fauna, Fun, and Facts - The Adelaide Show Podcast
With various gameplay and stunning illustrations the game is suitable for 3yo to adult and for 1+ players. In the game everyone is a Ranger and they have to build up a healthy eco system and protect their animals from dangers like climate change, invasive species and disease.
The original idea came after he was chatting to our nephews and thought it would be awesome if they knew as much about native species as they do about all sorts of fictional characters.
After the success of his initial print and many requests from young fans, he launched a Kickstarter campaign to enable him to print booster packs with more species. It’s been a success so far but there are only a few days left to get more orders and reach the last couple of stretch goals!
Joel’s worked hard to ensure the booster packs are printed locally in Adelaide, packaged in compostable non-plastic, and will be ready in time for Christmas!
As you’ll hear, he is a man driven by passion and a perfect candidate for The Adelaide Show.
Here’s the link to the ANiMOZ Kickstarter campaign – AJ has contributed!

00:42:10 John Marriott

At Urrbrae Agricultural High School, they also immerse themselves in the world of aquaculture and their teacher is John Marriott. Welcome to the Adelaide Show.

317 - Fish, Fauna, Fun, and Facts - The Adelaide Show Podcast

How does someone end up as an aquaculture teacher?

Why are fish important?

Do we pay enough attention to fish, as a society?

Are all fish equal?

Tell us about The Purple Spotted Gudgeon and why Urrbrae is fascinated by them?

How are kids involved in the gudgeon project?

How do you broach the subject of mating

Egg laying – mums and dads

Mums would eat the eggs – mums and dads would eat the fingerlings – that’s cooking from scratch!

And kids eat each other

The fish JUMP?

How important are wetlands like those near Urrbrae?

What other favourite fish to you work with here?

Yarra Pygmy Perch, Short Finned Eel, Tandanus Catfish, and Agassiz’s Glassfish, yabbies, barramundi?

You mentioned grazing animals and farm runoff as hurting fish. And yet you are at a school that feeds people into becoming farmers. Do you have a love hate relationship with the farmers you are training

Are you a fisher?

Could you eat fish you’ve raised?

And you can buy many of John’s amazing, underwater photographs on a range of merchandise and printing options here: John Marriott on Red Bubble

01:03:52 Musical Pilgrimage

In the musical pilgrimage, we have a song, Poisoning Pigeons In The Park by Tom Lehrer. Only this week, Lehrer put his songs into the public domain.

Back in July of 1960, this satirical songwriter was in South Australia for a concert at the Adelaide Town Hall but the government banned five of his songs, namely, I want to hold your hand in mine, Be prepared, The irish balad, My home town, nad When you are old and grey.
He said, “my songs are quite harmless, nothing like this has happened before. I have sung these songs before well known americans, even the royal family.”
This is why we needed Don Dunstan!

Here’s this week’s preview videos.

SFX: Throughout the podcast we use free SFX from freesfx.co.uk for the harp, the visa stamp, the silent movie music, the stylus, the radio signal SFX, the wine pouring and cork pulling SFX, and the swooshes around Siri.