It’s a sign of respect for these guys’ sound that I’ve chosen them as the first band to feature twice. William’s falsetto is natural (rather than annoying or contrived), and the musical ebb and flow within this track is wonderful. It’s kind of like classical-heavy metal-swing. Normally when I listen to a few tracks from an artist, I’ll pick up things I don’t like from at least one of the songs. I can’t flaw this EP at all.
Another thing that seems to be consistent with BPT’s music is the almost-disconnect between the songs and the videos. If you listen before Youtubing, the picture you form in your head from listening to the song is completely blown away by the video. And then when you watch the clip, your brain connects the dots back to the lyrics. I half suspect that whoever comes up with the clip ideas has a grand plan they’re letting us see one vignette/song at a time, and in a few years time we’ll be treated to a bizarre art house feature film, soundtrack supplied by BPT.
Oh yeah, there was also a tie-in with the show theme as I was ‘going away’ on a tour to Thailand the morning after recording.
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