South Australian sunsets

South Australian sunsets Meningie

Photographers know that the light at the beginning and end of each day is the kindest light for photography, which is why I’ve pulled together this collection of South Australian sunsets.

On our own, without any help or support of the South Australian Tourism Commission, Nigel and I travel the state capturing stories and showcasing South Aussie passion.

Our rewards are the gift of spending time with some incredible people, and the joy of watching the sun cast its evening light show on different parts of our state.

The main shot, above, was taken at Meningie, after a busy weekend of gorging ourselves at Caffe Belgiornon in Mount Gambier.

We were heading home, exhausted, and stopped in Meningie for dinner.

But despite our exhaustion, the stunning sunset demanded we set up our cameras and go fishing for reddish golden rays.

So, please enjoy that view because we endured misquitoes to get it for you 🙂

South Australian sunsets: Normanville

South Austrlian sunsets Normanville

A little further west of Meningie, well, a good hour or so, is Normaville.

Normanville is a popular stop for travellers going to and from the Sealink Kangaroo Island Ferry terminal at Cape Jervis.

It’s a lovely town with a community that enjoys its seaside.

This shot of the jetty captures the stillness and restorative nature of this jewel of the Fleurieu Coast.

South Australian sunsets: Port Elliot

South Australian sunsets: Port Elliot

The rocks are symbolic of the beachfront at Port Elliot and along the southern coast of South Australia.

This South Australian sunset at Port Elliot does have a slow shutter, which explains the slightly ghostly look of the water.

However, you can get quite a bit of churn along these beaches and it is not unknown to have frothy mist floating about on windy days.

South Australian sunsets: Goolwa

South Australian sunsets: Goolwa

Just around from Port Elliot, the River Murray meets the sea, after travelling across from the eastern parts of New South Wales.

It creates some interesting, natural phenomena with the mix of freshwater and sea water, and there is abundant fish and bird life.

These conditions also attract “boaties” and Nigel has captured a beautifully peaceful glimpse of Goolwa at sunset, with the still river reflecting what’s left of the sun.

South Australian sunsets: Granite Island

South Australian sunsets: Granite Island

Granite Island at Victor Harbor, has long been a drawcard for tourists, penguins and pelicans.

It has come up in discussion on The Adelaide Show podcast a number of times.

On this night, though, Nigel was alone and able to capture the rugged stillness of the island.

This view is looking back toward Victor Harbor, with the famous Causeway stretching between the island and mainland.

South Australian sunsets: Flinders Ranges

South Australian sunsets: Flinders Ranges

Finally, our collection of South Australian sunsets could not be complete without one shot inland in the Filnders Ranges.

Here, we study this solitary tree, which is no doubt feeling some relief from the harsh sunlight of the day.

Sunset is a glorious time for aesthetics but also, especially in the outback, a busy time for wildlife, as bugs dance, birds swoop, reptiles retreat, and various marsupials hop and scamper about in search of food and water.

We hope this short series has inspired you to capture some beautiful sunsets around South Australia.

We would welcome you sharing them with us so that we can share them with the world.

And, of course, once the sun has set, enjoy some South Australian food and drink and turn on The Adelaide Show Podcast for some South Australian company!


Images: Nigel Dobson-Keeffe