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Adelaide Visa Judgement 012

This week, in episode 012 of the podcast, the Adelaide Visa Council has an intriguing use the of the term ‘boring’ in relation to Adelaide, along with the usual suspects.

This Twitter user, sūrukannn, was complaining that Adelaide has the most boring people. When challenged why and what they could do to be less boring, they responded:
If they could discuss about celebrities, sex and the media less, I would be happy. Everyday is like an episode of TMZ.
The Council discussed this dilemma and decided to reject their Adelaide Visa, with the right to appeal.

The Other Right was found making this statement on Twitter:
Seriously confused when people say Adelaide is boring. So many awesome things happening here non-stop, it’s hard to follow.
Councillor Steve asked them to justify the statement about so many ‘things’, to which these replies came:
– awww the Things!! gigs, one off shows, this market that market, from ocean, in slow motion, Adelaide screams for notion!
– I mean, seriously, we have seals playing ball in the streets here!
The Other Right also has on their bio that they produce Wild Wine. Intriguing indeed. The Council decided to grant an Adelaide Visa.

This Twitter user shared this statement with the world:
Why the hell is #Adelaide trending?!? It’s so boring!!!
When challenged by Councillor Steve to defend the statement and explain why his life was boring, which can be clearly inferred from the statement of one based in Adelaide, he replied:
never said my life was boring, but Adelaide has nothing to do compared to other places in Australia and around the world.
When prodded further, Matt could not provide evidence and instead retorted:
dude your twitter name is “boring Adelaide” so why don’t you tell me? #annoyingmenow
The Council discussed this discussion and decided to reject Matt’s visa.

This Twitter user, Karissa, is an archeologist who uttered forth:
Can someone explain to me why Adelaide is the number 1 trending topic in Australia? This place is boring lol
Interesting that she was jumping on the same bandwagon that Matt Johansen was. It seems that dissing Adelaide as boring is good for a cheap laugh. Interestingly, some people sprung to correct the record.
Ben Smeaton: The second part of this tweet is wrong!
Karissa: What my wording or that it isnt boring? Haha
Ben Smeaton: It isn’t boring damn it! Hahaha.
The Adelaide Council decided to reject Karissa’s visa and grant one to Ben for his valiant work. However, it was noted that Karissa can take part in our Work For The Visa Scheme – she only needs to put her digging skills to work in Nigel’s cellar.

Rob Tung claimed on Twitter, in response to a tweet from Darwin about monsoons approaching:
I miss this. Adelaide weather is really boring.
The Adelaide Council decided to revoke Rob’s visa in a unique circumstance. Two Councillors, Brett and Steve, abstained, and Councillor Nigel voted to revoke on the grounds that he disagreed with the sentiment; a tough call from a man who has been told to harden up.


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