The Adelaide Show Podcast

2 Cats On A Hot Fringe Roof – Audience Review Night Three

Nothing captures the spirit of these “reverse reviews” better than the experience of last night’s audience for 2 Cats On A Hot Fringe Roof.

The whole purpose of reviewing our audiences has been to impress upon attendees that when you are in a small venue seeing live theatre, how you act, the level to which you are engaged, can make or break a show.

And last night’s audience, the smallest of the entire run, had their work cut out for them.

On a quiet Wednesday night at the Historian Hotel, this small gathering drew together, focussed well, and participated avidly in 2 Cats On A Hot Fringe Roof through undivided attention, warm smiles, and doses of laughter.

This was a sterling effort because when audiences are smaller, each member becomes achingly aware that their actions are more noticeable by those around them; there are no anonymous guffaws, snickers, or gasps.

So, against the odds, this cohort of brave and supportive theatre goers pulled together and played its important role with flying colours, earning a well deserved 5 stars; the first of the season.

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