The Adelaide Show Podcast

Heart Beat Beat – Kelly Menhennett – 034

kelly menhennet headshotKelly and I had met before but neither of us remember it; we were at a social media workshop run by Ariel Hyatt in July last year, and one of the first exercises was “OK, who’s got a twitter account? Call ’em out and I’ll write ’em up. Everyone else, Follow them!!”

Kelly, who is an established Winemaker, started off playing at a local club in the Riverland, where she had to call out the meal orders between songs. In late 2007 she followed her musical heart and went to pursue music by busking on the streets of Europe. Since then she’s played the Queenscliff Music festival, the 2012 Americana Festival in Nashville and recently won the Telstra Road to Discovery Songwriter award.

I first got in contact again with Kelly because I heard a section of her song “Small Town Syndrome” and thought it might be apt for us here. We then talked a bit and she told me about this new one. I loved it half way through the end of the first listen – at first I was a bit overwhelmed by what I thought was sound effects (which was actually just a reverby slide guitar) and the ‘ahead’ drum beat, but by the time the chorus came around I was hooked. It’s like a steam train pulling out of the station with the drum just driving the beat as the power keeps increasing as the song goes through. It doesn’t get faster, it’s just more and more stuff gets added in until you’re dancing, even if only in your head.

034 – The Adelaide Ring Monopoly

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